WWX – First “game”

Posted: 2 February 2014 in Miniature Games, WildWestExodus

We had a $750 game , playing on a 4×3 foot table. We played the first mission , basically shoot anything that moves. Its the mission you play when you do know what you are doing. It was a good way to see how rules work. I think we did ok re the rules and any mistakes were due to not having read properly the special rules on the cards.

Things we didn’t get quite right

  • The engage into combat section a few times. Even though you can have a weapon with multiple strikes i.e. Schultz Kaufmann has S=2 , you only get 1 strike “just one attack”. A little confusing as I think they are using Strikes to represent an attack , not the stat Strikes. Also its at +2 Markmanship and you only get to do it once per game turn. So is a model is engaged multiple times you only get 1 attack back for the entire turn.
  • Outnumbering reduces the strikes on the engaged model by 1. Eg Jesse is engaged by the 2 Kaufmanns and loses 1 strike.
  • Striking back can also occur at end of normal activation if he was attacked. This is extra to the quick draw and counter strike rule.
  • When a model is hit with a blast , power 14 or a weapon with fire , he needs to make a courage test.
  • Can fire at different targets with multiple weapons e.g. Jesse can fire a two targets with the 2 pistols in the same shoot action
  • infected blades cause 2 wounds not 1. Makes the Kaufmanns better if they can cause some wounds

Jesse James can use his pistols in melee so he gets 4 d10 at 3+ compared to his iron fist which is 2 d10 at 5+. This seems insanely good so I guess we didn’t get this quite right. Also VII can get 4 Actions points but only gets 1 Strike and has to choose a single weapon! After looking at the rules , in the game we had Jessie James would have been killed by the Kaufmanns infected blades and not the other way around. Thats good as Jesse seemed to be insanely good. That is encouraging as its seemed a bit like Jesse won the game by himself.

Re the game and the hired hands, constructs with TNT just explode and they really are not much good when facing open ground and a shooty Outlaw posse. They need to be 2 inches apart and have plenty of cover or provide the opposition plenty of targets.

Jesse and the boys are waiting to see what happens. Models provide +1 cover to a model behind.

VII is surrounded by a Blackjack and an Iron Horse with mini cannons. This didn’t end well with VII losing his last lifeblood and just stood in the way. Dr C tried in vain to reanimate , but forgot to use any influence.

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