KS – burnt too many times

Posted: 4 February 2014 in Miniature Games

I guess I have been burnt a few times with the KS I have backed. I must admit I have been disappointed a few times and sold the games on Trade Me, Mantics Dreadball to name one.  A couple of KS I backed are still coming after it seems like an age and I hope they will arrive. Also the games appear on CSI normally at about 25-30% discounted and you feel like you have been ripped off to some extent.   So when I saw (or was shown) the KS for the Pulp City Skirmish game I didn’t know quite what to do. I have been following Pulp City for a few years but it was always hard to get the rule book and the models. The KS looks like it makes this easy. Here is the supreme pledge and it looks pretty good value for your $. You get what is shown and some of the new faction model for the Grimms.

I also really like the big guys or powerhouses such as the Villianous LOA for the Coven.

Some photos of the new cards

So should I back the KS and get into a cool looking skirmish game or am I going to get burnt!

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